Marley and Me by Jon Grogan Several students took an A.R. quiz this book last Spring. I'm sure they read it even if they failed the quiz. By the way, it's very different than the movie!
Artemis Fowl and The Lost Colony book 5 by Eoin Colfer Ooo.. a fun book in the Young Adult section.
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Another young adult book - not so much fun as Artemis - but it deals with more serious issues.
The Bully, Bullied, and the Bystander by Barbera Coloroso Very insightful book- I have read this book twice. I have two copies. I'm going to give a copy of this book to my friend who teaches Middle School in Middle River.
Girls against Girls by Bonnie Burton I have two copies of this book too. I'm going to keep one copy at home for my girls. I'm going to set one copy at the front of my room. I think it does a great job at explaining mean girls to us normal girls.
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis ooo... This book is insightful for anyone. C.S. Lewis always fascinates me. Soon, I'm going to write a blog post on him and how he inspires me.
Read Aloud Anthology - Janet Allen oooo a great resource for goofy teachers like me.
Chicken Soup for the Soul in the Classroom - High School Edition: Lesson Plans and Students' Favorite Stories for Reading Comprehension, Writing Skills, Critical Thinking, Character Building - Jack Canfield This is a little bit corny... but sometimes a gal has to love corny.. Right?
Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and Other Realities of Adolescence - Rosalind Wiseman This book inspired the movie Mean Girls. I think it should be required reading for future teachers... or even future parents or all parents!

On Chesil Beach: A Novel by Ian McEwan This book got me thinking a lot. It's somewhat hard to talk about because I don't want to give away the ending. The ending of the book had me thinking and thinking. And I decided it was an historical context issue. Setting- time and place- history- that sort of thing. I love when a book does that... you know? Make you think outside of the box and take a look from a different point of view.
Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox book 6 by Eoin Colfer A fun read
Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich Another fun read... total fluff.
Talk to the Hand - Lynne Truss Great book! Not a manners book... but this book got me thinking about manners and consideration. It's easier to be nice than people think. Maybe do we think we're the center of the world? Anyways... A good book.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation- Lynne Truss Who but me would read a book about punctuation over summer vacation? So good. If you like punctuation as much as I do!
Kids are Worth It! by Barbara Coloroso I love Barbara Coloroso. She is the cat's meow. MEOW! Another good book for teachers and parents alike. Kids need us to provide structure.Assertive Discipline by Lee Canter - I'm using this in my classroom for discipline. I'm not sure I agree with everything... but it works for me. I need something that works. This book shows how to provide structure.
OF course I'm still reading. I'm betting there's a book or two I forgot about!
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