Last week, Allison and Natalie had their school programs. Allison played a little birdy in her Spring themed program. She's been practicing this show at home for about two weeks. She sings at the top of her lungs and uses big arms for all of her expression.
Natalie's show was patriotic. They honored veterans of Red Lake Falls. It was very sweet. They sang "I'm Proud to be American" and "America the Beautiful." Nat's classmates also sang "Fifty Nifty United States" which I sang when I was in the fifth and sixth grade (twenty-three years ago?) The kids started singing "The Star Spangled Banner." One of the moms next to me whispered "Is this your song?" Meaning JBird and mine. I couldn't stop giggling.
love the pic of your little birdie. :)
But it is your song, right?
Sometmes pictures reveal more similarities than actual observation of the child. At first glance, I thought, "Wow,she looks like her mom." But with a second loo, I could see a resemblance to Jayson. What do other people tell you? Do they see you or do they see Jason?
That last message was from EK.
dbkliv- too funny!!!
EK- I think she has a lot of similarities to Jason.
Maybe it's her personality that brings out my facial expressions so to see her in person is to see my face duplicated.
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