Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Things We Would Bring

A few weeks ago, we read "from Letters From Rifka" by Karen Hesse. My imagination soared at this short selection. This young Jewish Girl from Russia escapes with her family to Poland. Rifka has five minutes to pack up and leave her home forever. Her mother hands her some candlesticks and asks her to pack them in her bag.

We talked about those candlesticks and what they must have meant to Rifka's mother. Then, I told them to write the things they would bring.

A lot of kids said they would bring their ipods, cellphones, and Gameboys. So, that night I went home and put on the timer and packed up the things I would bring.

When I came back to school, I had my girls' baby pictures, a pad of paper, some pillowcases that my great-great grandmother crocheted, and some silver expresso cups I had received as a wedding gift from Petra.

The kids were totally annoyed with my selection. It made no sense to them. HA! The irony was not lost on me.

I brought my things home and put them away. Allison came into the room.

"Mom, what is this?"

I explained it to her.

"Are YOU running away?"

"Uhh no?"

I explained it to her again.

"Are you sure you're not running away?"

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