Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My day..

Ok.... So. I didn't get anything done. Not one thing on my list, but I didn't spend the ENTIRE day on facebook. I did something.

What did I do?

I brought Natalie's mits to school. She had mits, but they weren't her favorite. So, I brought her her favorite. I chatted with the school's secretary for a while.

I ran errands. Like, I think I got some buttermilk for the cake I baked for my mom's birthday. That's right. I chatted with the workers at the supermarket or a while.

I got gas. I noticed I only had a quarter tank. So I stopped by my favorite gas station and told Joey to "Filler up" while I listened to music with my cool shades in the warmth of my pimpin' mini van.

I went home. I checked my facebook and "poked" my friends who "poked" me while I was out.

I burned a few CD's.

Afterwards, I turned up the tunes and washed dishes.

I folded laundry.

I played my turn at Scrabble on facebook.

I made my mom's Italian Creme Cake for her birthday.

I washed dishes.

I checked my facebook.

I made frosting.

I washed dishes.

I picked the girls up from school.

When I got home, I realized I had only eaten frosting the whole entire day. I made oatmeal and fell asleep from my sugar high.

I made supper. I washed dishes.

I went to my mom's house for her birthday. I chatted with mom and her friends for a while.

I came home.

I read to Allison.

I checked my facebook.

I washed some more laundry.

I washed more dishes.

I read.

I tried to fall asleep.

I wrote this blog.

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