Monday, February 28, 2011


This weekend J-Bird and I decided to go on a date night, so I sent the girls over to Grandma Vic's and went online to see what's happen' in Fargo, North Dakota. 

"Hey, hey, hey..." I thought,   "maybe there's something exciting going on at the Fargo Theater."

So, I found Biutiful was playing.

 We spent the day poking around Herbergers, Barnes and Noble, and Harbor Freight.   Because theses are our interests.  Sales on clothes, books and tools.

For awhile there, I lost Jason in Barnes and Nobel.   Every once in a while, I'd walk by the gardening section - I was sure that he'd end up there eventually.  Suddenly, I heard a woman ask where she may find books on building chicken coops - Ah ha!

So, yeah - that's about where I found him.

We settled into our room and headed off to the movie.  I was nervous - what if all the tickets were sold out?

Well...  turns out there were only two other people in the theater - foreign films aren't the biggest seller in the Northern Plains.

The movie was remarkable.  Javier Bardem was amazing.  I was completely lost in the story and agitated throughout the movie - I didn't know how this dying man would find peace or someone to take care of his children.  I hadn't considered how poorly illegal immigrants were treated.  I hadn't considered how complete their desperation was. And if those topics weren't enough to cover,  there was mental illness.  But mostly - forgiveness.

I had planned on making a Target run after the movie, but there are just some movies that are so hard to transition to normal life after watching.  And this was that type of movie. 

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