Saturday, August 23, 2008

How to Know if You're Not Following Your Personal Legend

If you've been reading my blog, you probably know I like to think about my personal legend. Sure, I know it's cheesy. Well, I know others may think I'm cheesy. I don't care. I'm happy.

Sometimes, I know I step a way from focusing on what matters and then, I'm not following my personal legend.

Sometimes, I look at people I know and think; "They really need to find their personal legend."

Here are some clues that you are not following a personal legend:

1. You complain about your mother-in-law too much.
2. You talk about how big your t.v. is.
3. You watch soap operas when you're not 75 years old.
4. You call me on my cell phone to just see where I am.
5. You ask me what it's like to read a book.
6. You talk a lot about the color of your hair.
7. You talk a lot about how many calories are in McDonald's Food.
9. You gossip too much.
10. You talk about what drama queens/coffee drinkers other people are. A LOT. I mean, you bring it up all the time.... (I'm bad a this one actually.)
11. You wonder why other people are not fulfilling their personal legends.


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