The girls have finished their swimming lessons. They got their "report cards." Allison was excited to see that she passed level three and moved into level four. She was thrilled. Allison is six. Allison has been swimming in the deep end on her own since the middle of last year. Allison knows how to dive. In case you don't realize this, Allison is an excellent swimmer. Sometimes when I visit with acquaintances at the pool and they see Allie go off the board. They stop the conversation and say;
"Bobbi, look!"
"Oh," I say, "she does that all the time."
"Without a life jacket?"
"She's been doing that for over a year now."
Maybe they forgot. I'm a swimmer too.
When Natalie got her report card, she took a peak and saw "Continue with level four." She was fine with it. A lot of her friends are still in level four. Natalie is an excellent swimmer too. I was proud of Natalie's reaction. Usually, she's so competitive.
I forgot something though.
After getting over her disappointment, she turned to Allison.
"Did you pass?"
I waited.
"Yes... Natalie, I'm going to be in level four with you next year. I'm so excited."
Again, Allison is six.
Well, Natalie is nine.
Natalie ran to the mini-van and closed the doors. Her little sister was in the same level as her. Her little sister who is three years younger.
I got into the mini-van and prepared myself.
"Natalie you are an excellent swimmer."
Her eyes were filled with tears.
"Natalie," I said, "We all have our special gifts. You are great swimmer, but you are an awesome writer."
She sniffed.
"Natalie, I like to write. When I read your writing, it amazes me."
"Really?" Sniff. Sniff.
A smile crept to her face. "Am I the best writer in the family?"
"Yes... Natalie you are."
Then, from a forgotten corner in the back of the red mini-van, I heard from Allison;
"Aren't I a good writer? What about me?"

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