Last night, I took the girls to church for Vacation Bible School. This year's theme is "Avalanche Ranch." Each kid got a cowboy hat, and they sing cool country themed Christian songs. All of the kids are amazed with the props and stage.

And the costumes>>

And the big kids helping the little kids!!!

Allie was having so much fun!

I got a big bang out of this kid in his cowboy get up--- Those chaps... and the scarves! ha!

The Men's Group at our church are some of the best examples of good Christians. Every year, these guys jump at the chance to serve our Vacation Bible School. The flip pancakes and fry sausages with a smile. These men aren't young either. Most of these guys are in their eighties. Besides serving pancakes to seventy young people on a Monday night, these guys voluntarily mow our lawn every week. They amaze me. Their example speaks volumes to me and my generation at church. These guys are also in charge of the local food shelf. Yep. they are prettty much my heroes!

Here's a good picture of Natalie considering the day's Bible verse in a deep, thoughtful way. Her friend with the brown hair is too. Or maybe not.

Look at all these cowboys and cowgirls yipping it up!
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