Sunday, July 19, 2009

Facebook Statuses I find Revolting...

Almost everyone and their grandma are on facebook now! Yee ha! Of course that's great news, because now you can keep contact with anyone you want but only on your terms. You know where they are without having to worry about losing them again.

For the most part, my favorite part about facebook is my friends' statuses. Woo... They are fun. My favorite statuses include something they are doing with a hobby, what books they are reading, invitations to a party, stuff about ninja abilities... My least favorite statuses include insults, political rants, or TMI.

One morning, I woke up to find a status about a friend's divorce....

Joe Shmoe is going to get a divorce.

I commented...

Bobbi Guillemette Aakhus is sorry to hear that.

Later that day...

Joe Shmoe is going to work on his marriage.

This person's status changed every few hours... Seriously. It did. This poor guy gave me TOO MUCH INFORMATION. Holy cow. He did get a divorce. Probably because his ex-wife was sick of the status updates.

Another status that annoys me is the political status updates. Facebook is not meant to include deep thoughts... hello that's what blogs are for... Right? These status updates are going to offend someone on your friend list FOSHO! There's a reason why our ballots are private! Keep it to yourself.

My least favorite is the argument on the status. Usually, you'll find this on your younger friends'status. People will actually will call each other Bitches... they will announce to their 547 friends that their former best friend didn't answer their text message or phone call and what a bitch she is. Durr... yeah Nice...

I have probably had my own moments of being a drama queen on facebook. I've probably announced to my 237 friends that my camera is dead, that I'm so tired, or that I went for a walk. I'm sure my friends just roll their eyes and continue taking their quizzes on what they should name their children or what town in Minnesota they should live in.

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